Women's Missionary Union
Goal: To pray for, support, and participate in missions and ministry activities on the local, state, national, and international level.

An Invitation
All women (age 18 and up) are invited to join WMU and begin actively serving our Lord through missions and ministry. Any local Baptist Church should have a women’s mission group of some kind. Please pray and consider joining us. At Mineral Springs, the WMU meets in the church at 6:00pm the second Sunday evening of every other month.

Food Bank Donations
Each month the WMU sponsors the collection of food items to donate to the West Stanly Christian Ministries in Stanfield, NC. The collections are taken up on the first Sunday of each month.
During the month of February the WMU will be collecting teddy bears. These bears go to agencies that focus on children in crisis situations. Teddy bears should be new and medium sized.